Thursday, 21 May 2020

COVID-19: Support your friends, by actions and not mere thoughts

Picture: Elizabeth's CYFI Squad

By: Elizabeth Talatu Williams

If our thoughts could translate to money, honestly, many of our friends would have been the richest and most successful but unfortunately they don't until action is taken.⁣
I am not perfect at this but I know for a fact that I provide as much support as possible to my friends and networks even sometimes at my own detriment (I learnt this the hard way, please you come first oh!)⁣

Here are ways I support my friends in their business and hustle⁣:

1. Social media engagement: Stop liking and commenting and sharing in your mind. Put them to action by liking that post, making a comment, press the share button. This things won't take anything away from you instead will even help you. You don't know who would work with you just because they see you are associated with your friend through the post that you shared.⁣

2. Genuinely celebrate with them: Don't wait for bad news before you remember your friend exists, celebrate them when they win, get the accolades and awards. Remember, goodness begets goodness.⁣

3. Support their business: Stop doing free free because they are your friends. If they keep doing free, how will the business survive. Pay them for their services, you could beg for a discount but don't feel like you are entitled to it.⁣

4. Patronize them: Before I look outside for any service, I check within my network of friends first, when I don't see any then I look outside. That's my own little way of supporting them. It goes a long way.⁣

5. Spread the word: My friends that know me know that I always spread the word for my friends. Whenever any opportunity presents itself, I bring them on board. I don't waste time at all.⁣

⁣As we read this post today, please let's support our friends, not just by mere thoughts, but by actions especially in this trying times of #COVID19⁣


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