Showing posts with label Global. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Global. Show all posts

Friday, 4 December 2020

Cryptocurrency: Why Bitcoin is top of the most searched words by Nigerians



Nigeria is 8th in crypto adoption globally, transacting $43m during the lockdown.

One major driver of crypto adoption in Nigeria is the growing number of tech savvy young people in the country, and also lack of trust in the government's capability to manage the economy well, so people hedge against inflation to avoid "stories that touch".....such as N500 pot of soup for a family of five.

Saturday, 21 November 2020

Despite being the largest market for Noddles in Africa, Nigeria is now 11th in Noddles consumption globally. But how?

Google image

I still remember when the Indonesians first brought Noddles to Nigeria around 1996 and they were giving it for free to people to try and see if they will like it, over two containers were given out, they waited, and waited for feedbacks. Nigerians ate, enjoyed it, but forgot to give feedback. Until they started asking if they can get some more of that thing because the children seem to like it a lot.