Showing posts with label England. Show all posts
Showing posts with label England. Show all posts

Friday, 9 September 2022

Queen's Death: Possible demise of the United Kingdom? The 'King Charles III' question

King Charles III and his mother, Queen Elizabeth II

King Charles III, as media describes him, is "wired". He is so much in love with politics that it could lead to possible end of the United Kingdom, which are made up of Scotland, Wales, England, Northern Ireland.

How? With his hunger for "full" power, he would want to be fully involve in decision making and execution which in contrary, the constitutional monarchy doesn't permit because power rests with an elected parliament, despite being the head of state.

Saturday, 5 December 2020

The Next Big Battle Ground: Data War


Getty Image

The “P” in the $85 Billion data company S&P (Standard & Poor’s) Global, stands for “Poor’s” — as in Henry V. Poor, a 19th-century financial analyst who joined his brother John Poor in his railroads business after his graduation.